Successful Families

By on June 16, 2011


Balancing Work and Family (dual-earner families)

1.Value Family and family time

2.Strive for a partnership (egalitarian: household chores, child care, and decision making)

3.Maintain work boundaries (put limits on their work and work hours as well as control the “work-family spillover”)

4.Make family fun a priority (spend time together and have fun together)

5.Live simply (maintain a simplified life including limiting children’s extracurricular activities)

6.Make decision proactively (make decisions together and proactively, prior to problems occurring, rather than re-actively)

(Image courtesy of photostock/

About admin

Teaching Sociology is very enjoyable for me. Sociology is like a gateway to a plethora of knowledge and understanding. The subject material is directly applicable to real-world events and situations found in everyday life. The methods and concepts of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping the contemporary world. The ability to identify and understand these processes is valuable preparation for professional participation in an ever changing and complex society.