Notes on The Parental System

By on January 17, 2014

Transition to Parenthood

Time is the major problem (Ralph LaRossa): sleep time, television time, communication time, sex time, and bathroom time)

Mothers’ Role

Primary caretaker

Maternal duty – nurturing role

Especially with young children

More involvement throughout the years

Fathers’ Role

Deemphasized – not as important

Recent research – important role – happiness and well-being

Life satisfaction, intellectual development, and educational and occupational mobility

“New fathers’ role” is emerging – increase in role

Negative effects of “non-fathers”

Parents’ Role

Social changes make the parenting role more difficult

Less parental activities – non-traditional families

(Image courtesy of  photostock/

About admin

Teaching Sociology is very enjoyable for me. Sociology is like a gateway to a plethora of knowledge and understanding. The subject material is directly applicable to real-world events and situations found in everyday life. The methods and concepts of sociology yield powerful insights into the social processes shaping the contemporary world. The ability to identify and understand these processes is valuable preparation for professional participation in an ever changing and complex society.